MULTI MABIS is an Automated Biometric Identification System developed for an end to end deployment of large-scale multi-biometric projects. It has different modules that can provide customizable solution services for high-performance and scalability with multiple parallel transaction capabilities to any large size biometric project.
The solution is intended for nationwide biometric projects, like biometric voter registration with records deduplication, passport issuing, border control, as well as other civil or criminal identification.
Get In TouchMULTI MABIS is a fast Automated Biometric Authentication System, capable of capturing and storing multiple biometric templates within a short period of time. It utilizes various identification methods like Fingerprint, IRIS, and Facial recognition to store, update or delete biometric data of users. This high-performance authentication system can be used with any large-scale biometric system in the back-end to de-duplicate, check and remove biometric data having inconsistencies. MULTI MABIS supports computing resource intensive one-to-many (1: N) and one-to-one (1:1) biometric matching operations for precise, fast and accurate identification of individuals. For a large-scale biometric project like citizen identification, biometric data of millions of people are required to be captured and stored. Usually, all data is collected in individual laptops and then merged into a central database. Before a citizen ID card is issued, the authorized agency makes sure that one person did not register multiple times. This can be achieved using Biometric De-duplication software such as MULTI MABIS. Moreover, to merge any decentralized biometric data into a central system requires identifying all duplicate records to unify transaction data under unique personal identities. Therefore, any decentralized biometric projects in areas such as banking, micro-credit lending, voter ID issuance, access control, and hospitals or rural clinics can significantly benefit from a MULTI MABIS system that enrolls and identifies an individual, self-check the de-duplication and supports user’s biometric data removal functionality.
Enrollment is the process of capturing and registering the user's biometric data such as fingerprint, IRIS, and facial images. MULTI MABIS system enrolls the users by recording their biometric data and storing them into the database. While registering a user in the database, MULTI-MABIS will self-check the de-duplication of a new user's biometric data by comparing it against biometric record stored on the server.
Biometric identification consists of determining the identity of a person. The process involves capturing an individual's biometric data via fingerprint, IRIS, and facial recognition. This data is then compared to the biometric data of several other persons kept in a database. MULTI MABIS extend support of identification process, by accurately matching the captured biometric data of users with the stored biometric record from the database.
Removal is the process of removing a user from the database. Once the user has been removed, it will not be reverted in the system. Hence, MULTI MABIS facilitates an irreversible user data removal process.
Biometric Enrollment and Identification
Supports Fingerprint, Iris, and Facial Recognition
40K-200K finger, face and iris matching per second
Fusion Identification (Finger + Iris, Finger + Face, Iris + Face, Finger + Iris + Face)
Multiple database platforms
Supports Multiple Biometric Device Model
Full MINEX Compliance
Multiple complex biometric transactions processing with high speed and accuracy
Scalable, modular architecture with possible customization for project needs
High availability and fault tolerance
Interoperability with other systems
Support for ANSI and ISO biometric template standards
MULTI MABIS solution provides these capabilities for large-scale automated biometric identification and authentication systems:
MULTI MABIS can accept fingerprint, IRIS and facial images as an input for creating biometric templates and searching it against the database. An advanced matching algorithm is utilized that provides high matching accuracy.
An automated biometric authentication system - MULTI MABIS is designed for processing multiple biometric transactions with a higher accuracy rate and greater reliability.
MULTI MABIS also provides web services for communication with the third-party biometric systems to ensure all the aspects of biometric services are biometric data storage & update, biometric enrollment, identification, submission of matching results and removal are effectively implemented.
MULTI MABIS provides better performance and assists in attaining high reliability by running instances of some or all components in parallel. If an instance of a component becomes unavailable, the other instances of the component can still accept incoming requests and perform corresponding operations. It is designed in a way that in case of failure no data or information gets corrupted or lost.
MULTI MABIS can determine questionable biometric matching results like suspicious duplicates (de-duplication) or non-matching templates and forward them for manual adjudication. A specialized visual tool is also provided to facilitate decision making.
MULTI MABIS can be customized for specific project requirements and restrictions. The customization may range from user interface translation into the required language to modifying the system architecture.
MULTI MABIS is designed and developed based on next-generation biometric technologies. Mantra's biometric algorithm provides greater accuracy and high-speed fingerprint, face or IRIS recognition systems.
MULTI MABIS is compliant with ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and ISO standards as all of the Mantra’s biometric products are ANSI and ISO compliant.
Every client has unique requirement. Working together we’ll discover the right solution which fits in your budget to reach desire goal.
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