Mantra offers solutions to various large Enterprises for Security automation and Business solutions systems. Our solution can tweak to meet the security and automation needs of various Industries.
Get In TouchEvery individual enterprise requires solutions for managing and creating discipline in regards to the entry/exit of all employees, machines, and vehicles.
Mantra improves the safety and security of manufacturing & engineering industrial enterprises across an array of markets and conditions. Mantra has the expertise and a good amount of experience in improving industrial workplace safety, as well as preventing business interruption and financial loss due to Unauthorized access credentials.
Mantra is a recognized and certified partner for managing security and business automation in Government facilities and assets. We help governments in improving the attendance system, access control management and restricting misuse of critical infrastructure through Online monitoring of the workforce. Mantra's Knowledge, experience, expertise, and innovative technologies enable us to address government businesses security challenges at the central, state and local levels. We also manage a wide range of issues with the government attendance monitoring, data security and access control under regulatory compliance. Our customers include many State and Central Government business and subsidiary. We are passionately committed to resolving the government issues and challenges related to security and safety concern and helping government affiliated Organizations in achieving their safety and security goals.
Mantra serves many well known energy sector companies in power generation, power distribution, oil & gas etc. Mantra has improved business operations in the energy industries with innovative state-of-the-art security and workforce management solutions. Mantra ensures the security of the employees and safeguards assets from any kind of risks and threats. With decades of experience, Mantra has developed domain expertise in providing security and surveillance solution to energy sector based businesses. Mantra has vast experience and knowledge in protecting and safeguarding the oil and gas Industry based businesses.
Mantra provides a multi-layered security approach to secure pharmaceutical companies from external threats as well as internal misappropriation. Whether you’re a pharmaceutical manufacturer or research labs, Mantra Integrated Security can help in identifying vulnerabilities throughout the pharmaceutical enterprise, supporting them to set measures to counter any kind of threats. With our technology centric focus and professionals dedicated to health care security and IT Integration, Mantra can address operational security, risk management, safety, loss prevention challenges to cut the costs, streamline operations and advance the business of health care. We are passionately committed to help our health care customers in improving their business operations and support them in achieving their safety and security goal.
Ports structure is very dynamic in nature in terms of operations and business practices. Mantra multilayered gate automation and access control solutions help the Clientele to secure port at every point of entry/exit. Ports struggle in handling a large number of daily wage workers and vehicle access Authorization under one structure platform system to identify and track individual movement and fundamental information. Our system has an ability to substantially improve the level of security and operational efficiency of a port while controlling access for vehicles and daily wage worker which are commonly getting changed on a day to day basis.
Mantra has secured leading textile Industries with the unique security and surveillance system. Mantra has decades of experience in implementing security solutions to the textile operations and reducing the Organization's internal and external risk.
Every client has unique requirement. Working together we’ll discover the right solution which fits in your budget to reach desire goal.
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